7 Best SEO Certifications: Is It Worth It?

7 Best SEO Certifications: Is It Worth It?

I’ll give you a guess as to the answer to the nominal question: Is it worth it to get an SEO certification? This is every SEO professional’s favorite response. That’s right: it depends! (If not, this will be a shorter article.) SEO certification can be valuable if you’re new to the industry or expanding your … Read more

6 steps to prioritizing organic and paid search in your overall search strategy​​​

6 steps to prioritizing organic and paid search in your overall search strategy​​​

The synergy between paid search (SEM) and organic or organic search (SEO) remains a hot topic as businesses can reap many benefits from their synergy. From relying on organic results to offset paid search costs, to using paid search targeting settings, to tailoring results for different audiences, opportunities abound for organic and paid search synergies. … Read more

What is subject authority and how does it work

What is subject authority and how does it work

You’ve probably heard the term “authority” when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO). But what exactly does this mean? If you already know what it is, you might be thinking, how can I add more authoritative content to my site? Well, first of all, authority refers to the power or influence of a particular … Read more

What is data visualization and how to use it for SEO

What is data visualization and how to use it for SEO

Planning and executing a great SEO strategy is critical to any digital marketing campaign. However, this work requires data to tell a story that resonates with our clients. But poring over large numbers can be tedious and exhausting. This is where data visualization comes in. Data visualization takes your data (numbers) and places it in … Read more

Why You Should Use Boolean Search Operators for SEO

Why You Should Use Boolean Search Operators for SEO

Boolean searches contain a specific set of search operators related to the logic inherent in the word and, orand no. Even though they’re three simple words, their impact on search results—and the usefulness of Boolean SEO-related searches—can’t be overstated. These search operators are used as conjunctions, allowing compound words to search (And), broaden the search … Read more

Google prepares to update product review algorithm in August

Google prepares to update product review algorithm in August

Upcoming updates will continue Google’s efforts to showcase more helpful, in-depth reviews based on first-hand expertise in search results. The timing of Google’s next product review update aligns with the conclusion of the just-announced helpful content update. When you add the July product review update, that’s three Google algorithm changes confirmed in a month. Google … Read more