Google prepares to update product review algorithm in August

Upcoming updates will continue Google’s efforts to showcase more helpful, in-depth reviews based on first-hand expertise in search results.

The timing of Google’s next product review update aligns with the conclusion of the just-announced helpful content update.

When you add the July product review update, that’s three Google algorithm changes confirmed in a month.

Google appears to be on a mission to weed out the front page of low-value content and has a strong focus on the content people use to inform purchasing decisions.

Some details on the next product review update – more of the same?

Google’s announcement provided few details about the next update to the product review algorithm.

If you skimmed through this blog post, you might have missed it because the mentions are short. The content of the announcement is as follows:

“We know product reviews can play an important role in helping you make a buying decision. Last year, we launched a series of updates to showcase more helpful, in-depth reviews based on first-hand expertise in search results.

We’re constantly improving these systems, and over the next few weeks, we’ll be rolling out another update to make it easier to find high-quality original reviews. We will continue this work to ensure you find the most useful information when researching online purchases. “

It sounds like the next update will be the same.

Google’s information surrounding its product review algorithm hasn’t changed dramatically from one update to another.Reason to expect Google’s guide This time it stays the same.

Maybe something to do with useful content updates?

Google’s next product review update is scheduled to begin rolling out when helpful content updates are released.

The proximity of useful content updates and product review updates suggests a possible connection between the two.

My guess is that helpful content updates will allow Google to better identify product reviews that add unique value or demonstrate first-hand knowledge.

Both algorithms aim to identify similar qualities in a piece of content. In a blog post on useful content updates, Google offers the following advice on evaluating the value of your pages:

“Does your content clearly demonstrate first-hand expertise and depth of knowledge (eg, from actually using a product or service or visiting a place)?”

This sounds similar to what product review updates are looking for.

Once the useful content update is complete, Google may apply the data it obtains to the next iteration of product review updates.

This could add to useful product review pages that Google missed in previous updates.

Conversely, Google can also use the data to identify low-quality product reviews. Pages that did not depreciate after the previous update may drop rankings.

It’s unclear if Google will provide more information before the next product review update goes live.

resource: Google

Featured Image: 13_Phunkod/Shutterstock

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